heath, ohio in Chinese
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- heath
- n. 1.【植物;植物学】欧石南属常青灌木;石南。 2.石南丛生的荒野,荒地。 短语和例子 one's native heath 出生地,幼年生长的地方。
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- ohio
- n. 俄亥俄〔美国州名〕。
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- ohio ohio
- ohio俄亥俄州
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- alpine heath
- 高山石南灌丛
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- blindley heath
- 布莱恩德利希思
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- bracken heath
- 羊齿石南灌丛
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- edward heath
- 希斯; 希思
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What is the meaning of heath, ohio in Chinese and how to say heath, ohio in Chinese? heath, ohio Chinese meaning, heath, ohio的中文,heath, ohio的中文,heath, ohio的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.